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History of Embroidery

When enjoy embroidery picture, the viewer feels as if they get lost into a forest of diversified and copious color of countrysides. The material of embroidery picture is selected from quite essence and creative artist which is commented by art researcher: “ this embroidery art is not the selecting and arrangement of thread in a logical correlation, but it helps the viewer have the new outlook by the image of musical world. By that way, the viewer can get deep feeling about it.

And embroiderer can pride of their work : “ through the combination of traditional and modern technique, with themes of national character, we will talk about the death, the life, the hope, the hidden belief, the loneliness, the anxious moments…, the basic character of human. The embroidery picture can verbalize that concrete and abstraction.

The international cultural life will be copious and diversified of typical color of each nation, with different tradition which made that unique feature. With Vietnamese and Chinese silk hand embroidery picture, we’re happy to have the honor to contribute a beauty of art.

And, that’s the color of embroidery picture.

When embroidering, the embroiderer grasp the secrets of basic techniques. Before doing, they have to touch and review each stitch in their artwork and speak a prayer which symbolize for that artwork. The people believe that the up and down hands will create a following speech:

Rhythm by rhythm
The hands up and down
There was the king passed away
The prince enthroned king
The grandfather died
The grandson was born
Rhythm by rhythm
The hands up and down…

The Advice for interior decoration by traditional art

The house itself is portrait of the person living there. So my aspiration is to re-establish mental values in physical life base on legendary stories to bring back the room symbolism. Decorative art itself, create again such space, we made artisans – artists ourselves and good guests enjoy, at one time aware again self tradition.
The decorative art of hand embroidery picture is also a hope to show a constant memory for nature, for the past. With self creation by holding material such as: silk, voile improved very skillful, embroidery pictures creating human image combined with weed, plant together, changed vegetation into animal, made plant become into swan or inversely, human changed into firelight…

With decorative art to re-creates space, silk hand embroidery picture discovered the broad-minder of unsymmetry in space, bring back new idea concepts and move in space. Once again it returns to control imagination of the world toward to monotony and gloomy …

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