Rose Filet Tablecloth


Materials: DMC Crochet Cotton 12 Balls White

Crochet Hook Size 4 or 2.00 mm

Finished Size Approximately 52″ Square

Motif: Make 4. Beginning at center, ch 8.

Rnd 1: Trc in 4th ch from hook and in each of next 3 ch–5 trc counting starting ch.

Rnd 2: Ch 7 for first trc and ch 3, trc in same st as starting ch knot, ch 5, trc in same space as last trc
(corner completed), ch 3, skip 4 trc, trc in base of starting ch, ch 5, trc in same space as last trc
(another corner completed), ch 3, trc in top of starting ch, ch 5, trc in same space as last trc (corner),
ch 3, in last trc work trc, ch 5, join with sl st to 4th ch of starting ch–4 corners and 8 mesh formed

Rnd 3: Ch 7 for first trc and ch 3, * trc in next trc, in corner work 4 trc, ch 5, and 4 trc; trc in trc
immediately after corner, ch 3; repeat from * 2 times more, end trc in next trc, in corner work 4 trc, ch
5, 4 trc, join with sl st to 4th ch of starting ch.

Rnd 4: Ch 4 for first trc, * in next ch-3 space work 3 trc, trc in next trc, ch 3, skip 3 trc, trc in next trc, in
corner work 4 trc, ch 5, 4 trc, trc in next trc, ch 3, skip 3 trc, trc in next trc; repeat from * 2 more times
more, end 3 trc in ch-3 space, trc in next trc, ch 3, skip 3 trc, trc in next trc, in corner work 4 trc, ch 5,
and 4 trc; trc in next trc, ch 3, join with sl st to top of starting ch–Rnds 1 through 4 of chart completed.

Rnds 5 through 29: Continue following chart and Stitch Key. The chart shows one-quarter of the
design, with the corners marked in heavy lines on each side. Work across the chart to the corner, work
corner, return to beginning of chart, skip corner; work across the same row again. Continue in this
manner until all 4 sides of a rnd are completed.


Note: To begin a rnd, ch 4 for first trc; ch 7 for first trc and ch 3.

Finishing: Sew motifs together to form a square.


Rnd 1: Join yarn in trc before any corner, ch 4 for first trc, * in corner work 4 trc, ch 5, and 4 trc (trc in
each trc, 3 trc in each ch-3 space) to next corner; repeat from * around as established, join with sl st to
top of starting ch.

Rnd 2: Ch 4 for first trc, * in corner work 4 trc, ch 3, 4 trc; trc in each trc to next corner; repeat from *
around join with sl st to top of starting ch. Fasten off.


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