Rectangular Rose Tablecloth


Materials: Knit-Cro-Sheen 250 yd balls 18 White
Steel Crochet Hook Size 5 or 1.75 mm

Finished Size Approximately 70″ x 48″

Bl: First bl is 4 dc, each additional bl is 3 dc–block
Sp: Ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc–space

Beg a one end of tablecloth, ch 444.

Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook–counts as 2 dc, dc in each ch across–442 dc; 147 bls. Ch
3, turn.

Row 2: Dc in next dc and in each dc across, dc in top of ch-3. Ch 3–counts as first dc,
turn each row. Last dc of each row is worked in top of ch-3.

Rows 3 & 4: Dc in next dc and in next 5 dc–2 bls made, * ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc,
repeat from * 142 times—143 spaces or sps made, dc in each of last 6 sts–2 bls made.

Beg with row 5 of chart, work to top of chart–211 rows.  Each blank square equals 1 sp,
each marked square equals 1 bl. When top of chart is reached, do not end off.

Edging: Working down long edge of tablecloth, * ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook for picot, sl
st in end of next row, repeat from * to lower edge; working across starting ch ** work picot,
sk 2 sts, sl st in next st, repeat from ** across. Repeat from * to lower edge; working
across starting ch, ** work picot, sk 2 sts, sl st in next st, repeat from ** across. Repeat
from * to * up long edge, then repeat from ** to ** across top edge. Sl st in first st. End off.

Finishing: Wash and starch tablecloth. Block to measurements.

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