Crochet Fruits


Finished Size: 14 inches around and 6 inches high

  • G hook
  • orange worsted weight yarn
  • green worsted weight yarn
  • 2 black beads – about 3/4 inch in diameter
  • black embroidery thread
  • polyester fiberfill
  • Tapestry and Embroidery needles


  1. With G hook and orange yarn, leaving a long (12-inch) tail, ch 25.
  2. Sc across. (24 sc)
  3. *Ch 1 and sc into the back loop only, all the way across.*
  4. Repeat between * * for 40 more rows.
Finish off, leaving a long (12-inch) tail.
  5. With tapestry needle, weave one tail back and forth along the long side of the rectangle and pull tightly in order to gather it. (This is either the top or bottom of pumpkin). Weave into the opposite end where you started, secure, and snip. Do this with the other tail along the other long side of the rectangle, but do not snip off tail this time.
  6. With embroidery needle and thread, adorn with eyes and mouth using the picture as guide and stuff with polyester fiberfill. With the other long tail, sew together the two sides of the pumpkin to close up. (You could also put the orange yarn back on the hook and sc down the back).
  7. With G hook and green yarn, ch 2 and make 7sc in the 2nd ch from hook. Join. Sc around for 4 rounds or until stem reaches approximately 1.5 inches (3cm). Finish off leaving a 6-inch tail. Sew the stem to the top of the pumpkin and secure in place.Ta-da! Now make a whole bunch so that you can have the cutest pumpkin PATCH out there!

    Note: these pumpkins like to stay inside where it’s warm or safe. They really don’t like front porches, back porches, stoops, but mantles, credenzas, buffets and desks are a-okay!

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