Adult Shawls

Triangular Shawl


Materials: Sport Yarn 18 ozs
Crochet Hook Size F or 4.00 mm

Finished Size Approximately 78″ across top.

Row 1: Starting at top, ch 386, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn.

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, (skip each of next 2 sts, for shell, 5 dc in next st; skip each of next 2 sts, sc
in next st) across, turn. (64 shells)

Row 3: Ch 3, sc in 3rd dc of next shell, (ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd dc of next shell) across
leaving last sc unworked, turn.

Row 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, (shell in next dc, sc in next sc) across leaving last ch 3 unworked, turn. (63

Row 5-126: Repeat rows 3 and 4 alternately, ending with 2 shells in last row.

Row 127: Repeat row 3.

Row 128: For border, working around outer edge, ch 3, 8 dc in next dc; working in 3rd ch of unworked
ch 3 at end of rows on side, (sc in next ch, 8 dc in next ch) across to row 1, sc in end of row 1; working
on opposite side of starting ch.


Lavender Shawl

Materials: Anchor Cronita Cotton 17 Balls 165 m each of colour of your choice


Crochet Hook Size

Finished Size Approximately 168 cm across x 89 cm long

First Strip:
First Motif:
Starting at center, ch 5. Join with sl st to first ch to form ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 4, make 15 tr in ring. Join to top of ch-4–16 tr, counting ch-4 as 1 tr.

Rnd 2: Sl st in joining, then sl st between the ch-4 and next tr, ch 7, sc between next and following tr,
(ch 3, tr between next and following tr, ch 3, sc between next and following tr) 7 times; ch 3. Join to 4th
ch of ch-7.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in joining, (ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 11 for corner, sc in following tr) 3 times; ch 7, sc in
next tr, ch 11. Join to first sc. Fasten off.

Second Motif:
Work as for first motif until rnd 2 is completed.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in joining, ch 7, sc in next tr; now join 2 motifs as follows: Ch 7, sc n 8th ch of a ch-11
corner loop on previous motif and mark the ch-7 just made with red thread; ch 3, sc in next tr on
second motif, ch 3, sc in 4th ch of next ch-7 loop on previous motif, ch 3, sc in next tr on second motif,
ch 3, sc in 4th ch of next ch-11 corner on second motif; working on second motif only, ch 7, sc in next
tr, ch 11, sc in next tr, ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 11. Join to first sc, mark last loop with blue thread. Fasten
off. Loop marked with red will be used later.

Third Motif:
Work as for second motif, making first joining on rnd 3 in the 8th ch of corner loop marked with blue on
previous motif. Remove blue marker on previous motif.
Make 22 more motifs, joining motifs as third motif was joined to second motif, omitting blue marker on
last motif. 25 motifs.

Second Strip:
First Motif: Work as for first motif of first strip until rnd 2 is complete.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in joining, ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 7, skip next 3 free ch on red marked corner loop on
second motif of previous strip, then sc in next ch, ch 3, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 3, sc in 4th ch
of next ch-7 loop on second motif of previous strip, ch 3, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 3, sc in 4th
ch on next corner loop on second motif of previous strip, ch 7, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 7, sc in
following tr, ch 11, sc in next r, mark last loop with blue; ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 11. Join to first sc. Fasten

Second Motif: Work as for previous motif until rnd 2 is completed.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in joining, ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 7, sc in 8th ch of loop marked with blue on previous
motif, mark the ch-7 just made with red, ch 3, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 3, sc in 4th ch of next ch-
7 loop on previous motif, ch 3, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 3, sc in 4th free ch of next corner loop
on previous motif, ch 3, skip next 3 free ch on corner loop on next motif of previous strip, sc in next ch,
ch 3, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 3, skip next 3 free ch on corner loop of last motif used, sc in next
ch, ch 7, sc in next tr on motif in work, ch 7, sc in next tr, ch 11. Join to first sc. Mark last loop worked
with blue. Fasten off. Remove blue marker on previous motif.
Make 21 more motifs, joining same as last 2 motifs, omitting red marker on all remaining motifs and
blue marker on last motif only–23 motifs.

Remaining Strips: Having 1 motif less at each end of each strip as established, work as for second
strip until 1 motif remains. Do not press.

Border and Fringe:
With right side facing, attach yarn to 8th ch of corner loop on first motif of long edge.

Rnd 1: Ch 3, 3 dc in same loop, 5 dc in next loop on same motif, * 4 dc in following loop, 4 dc in next
loop on next motif, 5 dc in following loop. Rep from * to last loop of last motif; in last loop make 4 dc, ch
3 and sc. Working along side edge, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7; in next loop make sc, ch 7 and sc; (ch
7, sc in next loop) twice; ch 3, skip next ch-3 loop, ** (sc in next loop, ch 7) twice; ch 3, skip next ch-3
loop. Rep from ** to motif at point, (sc in next loop, ch 7) twice; in next loop make sc, ch 7 and sc; ch 7,
sc in next loop, ch 7; in next loop make sc, ch 7 and sc; (ch 7, sc in next loop) twice; ch 3, skip next ch-
3 loop, then follow directions from ** to corner at long edge, end last rep with ch 3. Join to top of ch-3
at beg of rnd.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in next dc and in each dc to next corner, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 loop, ( ch 7, sc in next
loop) 5 times; ch 3, skip next ch-3 loop, * sc in next loop, ( ch 7, sc in next loop) 4 times; ch 3, skip next
ch-3 loop. Rep from * to within the eight ch-7 loops at point, (sc in next loop, ch 7) 7 times; sc in next
loop, ch 3, skip next ch-3 loop; then follow directions from * to corner at long edge, end last rep with
(ch 7, sc in next loop) 4 times; then ch 7, sc in ch-3 loop, ch 3. Join to top of ch-3 at beg of rnd.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in joining, sc in each dc to next corner, 2 sc in next ch-3 loop, ch 100 for fringe, sc
around stem of last sc made, sc in same loop; 2 sc in next loop (ch 100, sc around stem of last sc
made, 2 sc in same loop) twice –double fringe group made; make a double fringe group over each of
next 3 loops; 2 sc in next loop, ch 100, sc around stem of last sc made, 2 sc in same loop–single fringe
group made; ch 3, skip next ch-3 loop, * make a single fringe group over next loop, make a double
fringe group over each of next 2 loops make a single fringe group over next loop, ch 3, skip next ch-3
loop. Rep from * to within the seven ch-7 loops at point, make a single fringe group over next loop,
make a double fringe group over each of next 5 loops, make a single fringe group over next loop, ch 3,
skip next ch-3 loop; then follow directions from * to corner at long edge; make a single fringe group
over next loop, make a double fringe group over each of next 4 loops, 2 sc in next ch-3 loop, ch 100,
sc around stem of last sc made, 1 sc in same loop. Join to first sc. Fasten off.

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