Flowered Headband

Flowered Headband

Size: 17″ in diameter before being stretched.

Stitches Used:

Chain, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, slip stitch.


4 sc = 1″; 4 sc rows = 1″.


Worsted weight yarn –  1oz. green and small amount variegated; 3/4″ shank novelty button; green sewing thread; sewing and tapestry needles; G crochet hook



Row 1: With green, ch 6, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn. (5 sc)

Rows 2-10: Working these rows in back lps only, ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. At end of last row, do not turn, fasten off.

Row 11: Working the following rows in both lps, join variegated with sc in first st, sc in each st across. turn.

Note: For popcorn (pc), 5 dc in next st, drop lp from hook, insert hook in first st of 5-dc group, pick up dropped lp, draw through st.

Row 12: Ch 1, sc in each of first 2 sts, pc in next st, sc in each of last 2 sts,, turn. (4 sc, 1 pc)

Row 13: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. fasten off (5 sc)

Row 14: join green with sc in first st, sc in each st across, turn.

Rows 15-57: Repeat rows 2-14 consecutively, ending with row 5. At end of last row, fasten off. Matching sts, sew first and last rows together.

Row 14: Join green with sc in first st, sc in each st across, turn.

Rows 15-57: Repat rows 2-14 consecutively, ending with row 5. At end of last row, fasten off. Matching sts, sew first and last rows together.


Rnd 1: With variegated, ch 3, sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 4, (hdc in ring, ch 2) 5 times, join with sl st in 2nd ch of c-4 (6 ch-2 sps).

Rnd 2: Sl st in first ch sp, ch 1, (sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc, sl st) in same sp, (sl st, sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc, sl st) in each ch sp around, join with sl st in first sl st, fasten off.

Sew button to center of Flower and sew Flower to center of row 3 on Headband.


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