Bridal Gloves

Finished Size:

One size fits most. Glove unstretched, length from top of middle finger to and including cuff is 8 1/2″; palm 3 1/4″ wide and index finger 3″ long.


  • Coats Big Ball fine size 20 crochet coton (400 yds per ball): 1 ball #1 white
  • Size 9/1.25mm steel crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
  • Beading needle
  • 3mm pearl beads: 6
  • Stitch marker


Flower = 1 inch in diameter; 5 sc and 4 ch-3 sps=1″; 8rnds=1 inch

Pattern Notes

Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join rounds with a slip stitch unless otherwise stated. When you start working in rounds, place a stitch marker at the beginning of round.

Right Glove

Row 1: CH 97, sc in 7th ch from hook, [ch 3, sk next 2 chs, sc in next ch] across, turn. (31 lps)

Bridal Gloves

Row 2: CH 4, sc in first lp, [ch 3, sc in next lp] across, turn.

Row 3 – 5: Rep row 2.

Row 6: Now working in rnds, ch 1, sc in first lp, [ch 3, sc in next lp] 25 times, ch 3, sc in same lp, ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in same lp ( 2 lps added for beg of thumb gusset), [ch 3, sc in next ch lp] 5 times.

Rnd 7: [Ch =3, sc in next ch lp] around.

Rnds 8-21: Rep rnds 6 & 7, working ch lp inc above inc of previous inc.

Note: On rnd 6 there is 1 lp between inc lps, rnd 8 there are 3 lps between inc lps, adding 2 lps between inc lps on each inc rnd.

Rnd 22: Rep rnd 7.

Rnd 23: [Ch 3, sc in next lp] 25 times, ch 6, sk next 15 ch lps (thumb opening), sc in next lp, [ch 3, sc in next lp] around.

Rnd 24: [CH 3, sc in next lp’ 25 times, ch 3, sk first ch of ch-6, sc in next ch, ch3, sk next 2 chs, sc in next ch, ch 3, sc in next ch lp, [ch 3, sc in next ch lp] around.

[Rep rnd 7] 22 times.

First finger

Rnd 1: [Ch 3, sc in next lp] 29 times, ch 5, count back 10 lps and sc in that lp.

Rnd 2: [Ch 3, sc in next ch lp] around, working 1 sc in center of ch-5.

Rnd 3: [Ch 3, sc in next ch lp] around.

Rnds 4-24: Rep rnd 3.

Rnds 25 & 26: [Ch 2, sc in next ch sp] around.

Rnd 27: [Ch 1, sc in next ch sp] around.

Rnd 28: Sc in each ch lp around.

Rnd 29: Sc in every other sc, until opening is closed. fasten off.

Second finger

With back of glove facing, attach white to lp next to ch on First finger, [ch 3, sc in next lp] 4 times, ch 5, sk 15 lps and join to next lp.

Work ch-3 lps around, working 1 sc in center ch-5 lp. Continue working ch-3 lp for 27 rnds, then rep rnds 25-29 of First finger.

Third Finger

With back of glove facing, attach white to lp next to ch on 2nd Finger, [ch 3, sc in next lp] 3 times, ch 5, sk next 8 lps and sc in next lp.

Work ch-3 lps around, working 1 sc in center ch-5 lp. Continue working ch-3 lps for 20 rnds, then rep rnds 25-29 of First finger.

Fourth Finger

Attach white in same manner as previous finger, work ch-3 lps in each rem ch lp. Continue working ch-3 lp for 17 rnds, then rep rnds 25-29 of First Finger.


Rnd 1: With back of glove facing, attach white to first lp of thumb gusset. Work Ch-3 lp into next 15 lps of gusset and the 3 sps on the ch.

Rnd 2: [Ch 3, sc in next lp] 17 times, sc in next lp (1 lp dec), ch 3, sc in next lp.

Continue working ch-3 lps around, dec 1 lp in each rnd on top of last dec until 6 lps are dec. Work 13 rnds of ch-3 lps, then rep rnds 25-29 of First Finger.

Left Glove

Rows 1-5: Rep rows 1-5 of right hand.

Rnd 6: [Ch 3, sc in next ch lp] 5 times, ch 3, sc in same ch lp, ch 3, sc in next ch lp, ch 3, sc in same ch lp ( 2 lps added for beg of thumb gusset), [ch 3, sc in next ch lp] 25 times.

Rnds 7-22: Rep rnds 7-22 of Right Glove.

Rnd 23:[ Ch3, sc in next ch lp] 5 times, ch 6, sk next 15 lps (thumb opening), sc in next ch lp, [ch 3, sc in next lp] around.

Rnd 24: [Ch 3, sc in next ch lp] 5 times, ch 3, sk first ch of ch-6, sc in next ch, ch 3, sk next 2 chs, sc in next ch, ch 3, sc in next ch lp, [ch 3, sc in next ch lp] around.

[Rep rnd 7 of Right Glove] 22 times.

First Finger

Rnd 1: [Ch 3, sc in next ch lp] 13 times, ch 5, count back 10 lps and work sc in that lp. Following fingers of Right Glove, finish fingers on Left Glove.

Cuff (make 2)

Row 1: With RS of glove facing and working in opposite side of foundation ch, attach white to first sp, ch 1, work 4 sc in first ch sp, work 3 sc in each rem ch sp across to last sp, 4 sc in last sp, turn.

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.

Row 3: Ch 4, sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc, [ ch3, sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc] across, turn.

Rows 4-8: Ch 5, sc in next ch lp, [ch 4, sc in next ch lp] rep across, turn.

Row 9: Ch 5, 2 sc in next ch lp, [ch 3, 2 sc in next ch lp] across, fasten off.

Flower Motif (make 6)

Rnd 1: With white, ch 6, sl st to join to form a ring, ch 1, 12 sc in ring, join in beg sc. (12 sc)

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-1, ch 5, sk next sc, [sc in next sc, ch 5, sk next sc] 5 times, join in beg sc. (6 lps)

Rnd 3: Ch 1, (2 dc, 4 tr, 2 dc) in each ch-5 lp around, join in beg st, fasten off.

Use a photo as a guide for flower placement. if desired, sew a pearl bead to the center of each flower and sew 3 flowers t each glove.

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